Prattle Featured in Financial Times Twice in Two Weeks

  • Thursday, October 26, 2017

After the launch of our Equities Analytics product, Prattle was highlighted by several leading industry publications including Institutional Investor, CNBC, and MarketWatch. In the past two weeks alone, the Financial Times has published Prattle’s analysis of potential Fed chair candidates and commentary from Prattle CEO Evan Schnidman on the use of AI in finance.

Prattle’s analytics have now been prominently and publicly used by the most respected institutions in the industry. Our data has not only been used in two recent articles by the Financial Times–but also in two research notes by the San Francisco Fed.

On the business front, Nasdaq has partnered with Prattle, certifying the data had passeda rigorous Nasdaq vetting process, including survivor-bias-free back-testing—confirming the validity and effectiveness of the data.”

Prattle is excited to be at the forefront of the rapidly growing conversation around AI and finance.

The Prattle Team

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